πŸšͺ The beginnings

We started 10lift in Berlin at the end of 2020 with a vision to redefine engagement in a changing future. We want to connect teams with each other and build bridges between people.

πŸ˜… The start was not always the smoothest, nor the easiest. This early version of our logo describes this in one image.


⚫ January - February:

Building our MVP - Then a gamified wellbeing product for teams to improve wellbeing and create a fun environment to exchange interactions. Lot's of long nights, getting used to working with Slack, building our website and talking to first customers.

Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 21.11.17.png

⚫ March - April:

Closed our angel investment round (6-digits) from amazing and supportive investors in late February. πŸŽ‰ We started growing our 10lift family shortly after.


Our product was out in the market and we started gaining our first revenues. It was very exciting times. We worked with amazing companies like Penta, HeyJobs and many more.

Penta even wrote a case study about us: 😍

10lift Keeps Penta Team Active and Engaged While Planting Trees | Penta

And of course we wrote one about the amazing Penta team πŸ’š